Technology support in exploring and identifying valuable elements of Kuldīga and Sēlpils Castles
standing archaeology probing, brick construction technology, artefacts, georeferenced data, airborne laser scanningAbstract
An upstanding archaeology study is an analytical study that involves a visual inspection of the site, with measurements and probing for various features. The information is compared to the visual and historical documentation relating to the site. Compiling the data obtained from historical sources, morphological materials, and stratigraphic probing, an integrated analysis of the tectonic and formal aspects of the site can be conducted. The research carried out at the site makes it possible to fill in gaps in archival materials and to provide additional details of lost historical architecture, its location, and the processes of building and rebuilding.
An architectural artistic study is conducted to determine the features of cultural, historical, and artistic value in the historic buildings. This is followed by a reasoned decision on the future development, status, and conservation options for the site.
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