Understanding Heritage of Early Modernist Sanatorium Architecture: Salutogenic Design, Healing Effects of Nature, Memory, and Impact on the Spirit of Place
sanatoria architecture, tuberculosis sanatoria, modern movement, modernist architectureAbstract
Patrimonialization of the 20th century modernist heritage has been gaining pace in recent decades. Modernist buildings of different typologies are being viewed and analyzed as heritage embodying the ideas and spirit of time of the modern movement. Healthcare facilities, including sanatorium buildings, are not an exception. However, understanding this recent heritage raises numerous complexities and contradictions, such as space vs/and particular place, international, universal vs/and local, personal memories vs/and collective memories, local place-related memories vs/and non-local memories. This article aims to contribute to the comprehensive understanding and interpretation of early modernist tuberculosis sanatoria buildings as cultural heritage by demonstrating valuable aspects of early modernist sanatoria architecture and their preservation and continuity pathways via memory and place and their interconnections.
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