The color of the surface of the Art object as a means of harmonizing the modern architectural environment
Art object, art materials, coloring, architectural environment, space harmonizationAbstract
This article explores the characteristics of the colored surface of an Art object as a means of creating a harmonious architectural and spatial environment. The issue of increasing the comfort, efficiency, ergonomics and aesthetics of the design of the architectural environment, which is related to the global problems of humanity, is raised. Since the use of fine art elements in an architectural space should evoke only positive emotions, there is a need to use various types of Art objects in modern design. In our case, it is a competent and harmonious use of the colored surface of the Art object, because the artistic material itself is one of the main factors in fine art, which positively affects the aesthetics of the environment perception. Based on the results of the analysis, the main properties of surface color, which affect the perception of various types of artistic forms of Art objects, are determined and systematized. A structural model of the selection of artistic material during the creation of Art objects, taking into account their properties and characteristics, is proposed. The implementation of research results is shown on the example of author's works. The developed innovative methods of choosing various materials in Art objects are proposed to be used in the process of designing a comfortable and harmonious environment for human existence.
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