The model of trees for the restoration of historical manor parks in Estonia
historical parks, dendrology, tree species, manor park, natural speciesAbstract
The aim of this article is to work out the methodological basis for the restoration of historical manor parks according to the requirements of the Florence Charter. This is why the park is not studied as an object of biodiversity but as a built monument and an architectural piece, whose composition is mainly created by woody plants particularly trees.
The purpose of the current research was to clarify the proportion of examples of distinct tree species in manor parks today and to determine the main tree and shrub species originally used in manor parks. Working out the model for the composition of stands of trees in a historic park. The model for the composition of stands of trees in a historic park was developed. The article summarizes the results of a survey what is a part larger study that explores and understand the key characteristics of Estonian Manor Ensembles and parks.
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